Managing Director
I started the business in 1998 - no internet back then, no email, no Google!

Client IT Manager
I remember being summoned to the head teacher’s office at primary school. Lump in my throat, wondering what I had done wrong this time…

Operations Manager
I must have done something right to get to where I am now, but like most of my computer code I have no idea how I’ve done it.

Technical Manager
As we work through projects for our clients, there are always “gotchas” and hurdles to overcome but that’s usually the most fun part.

Finance Manager
I really enjoy being surrounded by geeks and hearing all their IT innovations first hand!

Senior Technician
I get to experience the newest and most relevant technology each day when supporting our clients.

IT Technician
Looking back can see how much I have learned since I joined Excellimore, and I enjoy helping new Technicians in the same way my colleagues helped me when I started.

IT Technician
I love what I do, resolving IT issues and helping our clients makes me feel a sense of achievement and self-pride.

IT Technician
There are always client issues tickets that challenge you, but the team are great, very supportive and always happy to help out.

IT Technician
I have learned more on the job with Excellimore than I have studying. I love to learn about new problems, new technology and how things are solved.

IT Technician
I love hiking as well as travelling and visiting new countries; I also enjoy going home to visit my family in the US.

Student IT Technician
I'm enjoying developing myself further through my placement at Excellimore, where I can challenge myself to effectively manage any issue that comes my way.